If charges are proved, it is ‘impossible to imagine Manchester City not being relegated’

A football finance expert asserts that Manchester City would almost certainly be relegated if found culpable of the 115 charges levied against them by the Premier League.

Would relegation even be that bad for Manchester City? - Futbol on FanNation

Everton was penalized ten points for being deemed to have “taken chances” with the Premier League’s financial regulations, thereby reviving the 115 charges levied against the club by the Premier League in February under the ‘Risks and Uncertainties’ jurisdiction.

The Premier League, which has crowned Manchester City the defending champions of the competition on seven occasions since 2011, announced in February via its website that the club had been referred to an independent commission for a series of alleged financial rule violations.

The purported violations pertained to the provision of precise financial data, the disclosure of manager and player compensation information in the pertinent contracts, and the obligation of a Premier League club to comply with UEFA’s Financial Fair Play regulations as well as the league’s own regulations on profitability and sustainability.

Luật công bằng tài chính của UEFA - Công bằng hay bất công

Additionally, the club is purported to have violated regulations that mandated their cooperation and support during the Premier League’s inquiry into the aforementioned violations, which commenced in December 2018, according to the league.

Man City issued a statement at the time expressing astonishment at the revelation of the alleged rule violations and referencing “extensive engagement” with the Premier League regarding the matter. Furthermore, “irrefutable evidence” was cited by the club to support their position.

Former Manchester City adviser and football finance expert Stefan Borson asserts that relegation is a distinct possibility should City be found guilty of the allegations.

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“There are too many things that’might’ occur if City are found against,” Borson told The Sun. It will be extremely dire; everything that could possibly go wrong will occur.

“It will develop into an enormous story, and not just regarding football; it will have a much broader impact than that.” Numerous entities will be implicated.

“A situation that is extraordinarily explosive is anticipated.” It is unfathomable that City could avoid relegation from a football standpoint in the event that all of these factors were discovered to be against them.

Man City: Premier League clubs want champions kicked out if guilty of  alleged financial breaches | Football News | Sky Sports

“The hearing will most likely occur at some point in 2024.” The Premier League will undoubtedly be concerned about their potential repercussions should City be proven guilty.

“The League’s indictment of City for such grave offenses demonstrates that this is an exceptionally audacious move.”