What a kind man: Mason Mount visited Surrey children’s hospital to bring joy to the young patients

Mason Mount, a player for Manchester United, went to a children’s hospital in Surrey to make the kids there happy.

Around Christopher’s Children’s Hospice in Guildford that afternoon, Mount talked to families of very sick children. It was his first visit to hospice since he began using it.

Chelsea FC and England star Mason Mount visits children's hospice in Guildford - Surrey Live

I really want more people to know about the lifeline care that Together for Short Lives and children’s hospices like Shooting Star Children’s Hospices provide for seriously sick children and their families. This way, all families who need it can get it.

Football star Mason Mount, Patron for Together for Short Lives, brings happiness to Guilford children's hospice - ehospice

“Meeting the kids today was great, and I got to see for myself that children’s hospices are happy, warm places where people laugh and smile.”

Together for Short Lives is a group in the UK that helps families whose children are very sick make the most of their time together.

Mason Mount visits children and families supported by children's hospice | Charity Today News

The group helps the 54 children’s hospices in the UK, including Christopher’s, which is a member of Shooting Star Children’s Hospices, by raising money and publicity.

Andy Fletcher, CEO of Together for Short Lives, said, “We are so glad Mason was able to meet some of the great kids and families we help and see for himself what important care children’s hospices provide.”

“His efforts to bring attention to this issue are very important because they help more families get the help they need to enjoy their time together while taking care of a seriously ill child.”