FUNNY ADVENTURE: Emile Smith Rowe demonstrates his passion of animals during a pleasant visit to the Dubai Royal Zoo

Emile Smith Rowe, Arsenal’s bright young talent, recently had the opportunity to visit the world-renowned Royal Zoo in Dubai to learn more about the amazing animal kingdom. Smith Rowe’s visit was a success for both animal rights activists and conservationists, including herself. She was able to see these magnificent creatures from a close distance and contribute to their continued well-being and satisfaction.

The encounter with the majestic and ferocious tigers was a highlight of Smith Rowe’s voyage. He became acquainted with the conservation activities aimed to protecting this species and watched these magnificent felines in their elaborately made enclosures. The event had a great influence on Smith Rowe, reinforcing his determination to protect wildlife.

Smith Rowe was honoured to care for both tigers and bears at the Royal Zoo. The gentle giants’ eccentricities and upbeat demeanour captivated him. Smith Rowe helped feed and enrich the bears under the supervision of knowledgeable zookeepers, who were responsible for their emotional and physical well.