NICE GESTURE: Gabriel Magalhaes and his wife visited University College in Hampstead, London, and had a meaningful contact with students

University School College in Hampstead, London was visited recently by Gabriel Magalhaes and his family. The Brazilian footballer, who is currently on the defensive for Arsenal Football Club, spent some time touring the famous school.

May be an image of 3 people, people playing American football, people playing football and text that says "JCS"

Gabriel and his family had the chance to see the campus of University School College and learn more about its academic resources and amenities during their visit. Their satisfaction was likely fuelled by the school’s illustrious past, stellar reputation, and dedication to providing a comprehensive education.

May be an image of 3 people, people playing American football, people playing football and text


May be an image of 4 people, people playing football, people studying and text

Gabriel Magalhães, renowned for his outstanding defensive abilities, has established himself as an integral component of Arsenal since his arrival in 2020. Personal growth and education are important to him outside of the field as well. Visiting University School College was obviously driven by his curiosity to learn more about the educational options available to him and his family.

May be an image of 4 people, child, people playing football and text


May be an image of 2 people, people playing football, people playing American football and text that says "adidas GABRIEL BRIEL GA"


May be an image of 4 people and text that says "UCS ICS"


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Gabriel and his family had a tour to University School College in Hampstead, London. While there, Gabriel showed his determination to broaden his interests beyond athletics. Gabriel Magalhães sets an example for young athletes who aspire to be great through his engagement with schools, where he shows a strong desire to better himself.